Why has the commission been set up?

We place a great deal of importance on having strong relationships with schools, skills and education providers in the borough in what is a mixed and changing picture. Building on this excellent work and thinking about opportunities in the future London economy, we are keen that there should be greater focus in our schools on STEM subjects.
The STEM Commission will build on the work of Haringey’s Outstanding for All (OFA) Commission, which was established to consider future education provision in Haringey and to make recommendations on school improvement. It successfully drew together a range of stakeholders through evidence gathering sessions that shaped the Commission’s final recommendations. Since the publication of the OFA Commission’s report, education in Haringey has made significant progress with all of the Haringey’s secondary schools now being rated good or outstanding by Ofsted.

Will the commission seek out a broad range of views?

Yes. The commission will actively seek out the views of a wide range of partners, stakeholders and experts in the sector. Engagement with local teachers, employers, young people and parents, will be essential in establishing Haringey as a leader in STEM education.
It is proposed that the STEM Commission will adopt a similar approach to that of the OFA Commission and use evidence gathering sessions to gauge the views of stakeholders in order to inform its work.

When and how will the Commission report back?

The Commission will publish notes from each evidence session and will publish a final report early next year for the Council to consider and respond to.

How much will the Commission cost?

In addition to the time given voluntarily by the Commissioners, the work of the Commission will be supported by Haringey Council officers.